Event, Congresses, Meetings and Incentive Organisation in Sardinia

  • Strategy and Events Organisation

    Strategy - The most important project stages by Sun Events DMC and Event Agency in Sardinia: 

    Careful and expert prior dialogues to focus the target, the strong points and the budget 

    for Event, Congresses, Meetings and Incentive Organisation

    Researches and idea changes inside our team; presentation of our first programme draft

    As soon as the briefing ends, we know the target. The target will be followed by ideas that could have the so called “wow” effect and we put the milestones for the project.

    At the end we prepare the programme together with a competitive budget. 

    During the project execution we are at the front from the start-up to the end.

    The project manager is at your disposal and signs as responsible for the realization of the entrusted programme. 

    Evaluation of the vent success and presentation of the utility/cost effect. 


    Sun Events is your Event, Congresses, Meetings and Incentive Organisation in Sardinia 



    • Give us a leitmotiv and we will create a project
    • We analyse your expectations and study the logistics
    • We look for the right locations
    • We take care of your site inspection
    • We comply with your budget
    • Our staff is qualified and multilingual
    • Our selected partners follow the  “Customer Service” concept
    • During the project execution we are at the front from the start-up to the end.
    • We take care of any detail during the organisation
    • Competence and quality are our priorities for your Event, Congresses, Meetings or Incentive
    • We realize and surpass your expectations
    • Together we will make the  follow-up


    • We are always reachable
    • Any problem has got a  solution
    • Your contact person is always at disposal
    • We are far away as the next phone
    • We take care for you with all sub-suppliers
    • We support you in communication
    • Together  we work out the communication with your client


    • We respect the environment
    • We put you closer to the Sardinian territory
    • We offer environment integrated acitivities
    • We discover for you bygones locations
    • Tradition and culture are integrated in the Sardinian environment 




    Sun Events DMC and M.I.C.E. in Sardinia will create a Tailor Made Experience in Sardinia for the success of your Incentive, Event, Congress or Meeting